“Drain the Swamp”

However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.”

– George Washington

The things that George Washington warns about in this quote are happening in our day and they have been happening for quite some time. The leaders of our nation have, for the most part, been worried more about right and left, than right and wrong. It seems that the main motivator for choices they make have more to do with what it will take to stay in office or dare we say it, in power. When legislative and policy decisions are based on what will influence voters to continue voting for their leaders, or worse those things that will profit themselves or other special interests, rather than making correct choices based on what is right, what is best for a united country, best for our nation.

Our leaders should have principles and should stick to them. They should strive to actually represent their constituents, as long as they are able to do that and truly stick to their principles and do what is right. It seems as though when our elected leaders first head out for Washington they are full of integrity and based firmly on their principles and ideals and the needs and desires of their constituents, but some time after they arrive, they introduced to the reality of the way “business is done” in Washington. I have been amazed at the changes I’ve seen in my representatives. It is truly disturbing to see some of them resort to “unjust dominion” and abusing the power that they gain by being elected and using that power to pander to special interests to keep that power.

The Founding Fathers did not include term limits for congressional offices in the constitution. I personally believe that they didn’t because they could not imagine that people that chose to serve would be able to “serve” for 60 years. I believe that if they could have had a vision of what has been going on with Congress in this day, that they would have included term limits. I believe that they are necessary now and not only term limits on the congresspersons but also on their staff. The reason for that thinking is that staff, as well as the staff’s approach, beliefs, agendas, etc potentially will be imposed on new members of Congress.

There has been of late, a push to “Drain the Swamp” with good reason. People representing us should not be separated from their constituency by too much time or distance. They should avoid losing touch with the reality of life where the people they represent live, work and hopefully enjoy life.

The most important thing for us to remember as part of this discussion, the effort to “Drain the Swamp” is ultimately our responsibility. It is our responsibility to personally vote for representatives that will stand by their principles and make right and correct choices. It is our responsibility to be active in our communities to help these kinds of people, principled people willing to make difficult but correct choices, get elected and to help other people in our communities understand what we do and help them to determine to make similar choices. In other words, we need to oppose the election of representatives that are “cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled” men that will subvert our power.